On 06/24/2013 10:22 AM, Josh Berkus wrote:

Mind you, we wouldn't be able to reward a few reviewers, because they
live in countries to which it's impossible to ship from abroad.

I have previously proposed that all of the reviewers of a given
PostgreSQL release be honored in the release notes as a positive
incentive, and was denied on this from doing so.  Not coincidentally, we
don't seem to have any reviewers-at-large anymore.

I don't like idea of sending gifts. I do like the idea of public thanks. We should put full recognition in the release notes for someone who reviews a patch. If they didn't review the patch, the person that wrote the patch would not have gotten the patch committed anyway. Writing the patch is only have the battle.

Heck, think about the FKLocks patch, Alvaro wrote that patch but I know that Noah (as well as others) put a herculean effort into helping get it committed.

Reviewer recognition should be on the same level as the submitter.


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