Sorry for lots of mistakes I've made,

I noticed that I was dancing on the 9.3dev at sometime, so I
reran on 9.4devel up to date, having the same result from the
view of inaccuracy of pg_class.reltuples after vacuuming.

Although, what differs from my old testset, vacuum reported that
it sanned the whole table pages. It cannot be the case that it
gives such a reltuples value for the case since before...

Please let me have a bit of time to diagnose this. 

> When I tried to run, it gives below error:
> linux:~/akapila/vacuum_nlivetup> ./ 
> ./ line 11: syntax error near unexpected token `&' 
> ./ line 11: `        psql ${dbname} -c "vacuum verbose t" |&
> egrep "INFO: *\"t\": found " | sed -e 's/^.* versions in \([0-9]*\)
> .*$/\1/''

'|&' I carelessly used should not be understood by real
/bin/sh. Since I might use other notations out of sh syntex, it
seems to more helpful to replace the shbang with '/bin/bash'
instead of '/bin/sh'..

In addition, the test script I brought up here discards all
outputs of sql commands. The attached script shows the verbose
response from vacuum.

 - replaced shbang with /bin/bash
 - replaced '|&' notation with '2>&1 |'
 - removed '> /dev/null' from psql commandline

> Can you help me in reproducing the problem by letting me know
> if I am doing something wrong or results of test are not
> predictable?

Thank you for getting involved and sorry for the insufficient
preparation. But please wait for a while to go on.

I ran the attached revised script for the distcleaned current
head on the master branch (9.4devel) on CentOS 6.4 and got the
same result as previous, shown below. But I found the result
ununderstandable. I'd like to have a bit time to diagnose this.


Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center

$ ./
test1 ratio = 0.4
INSERT 0 1000000
UPDATE 699999
psql:<stdin>:5: INFO:  vacuuming "public.t"
psql:<stdin>:5: INFO:  "t": removed 699999 row versions in 4459 pages
psql:<stdin>:5: INFO:  "t": found 699999 removable, 1000000 nonremovable row 
versions in 10829 out of 10829 pages
DETAIL:  0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
There were 0 unused item pointers.
0 pages are entirely empty.
CPU 0.00s/0.13u sec elapsed 0.13 sec.
DELETE 399999
test1 ratio = 0.99
INSERT 0 1000000
UPDATE 699999
psql:<stdin>:5: INFO:  vacuuming "public.t"
psql:<stdin>:5: INFO:  "t": removed 699999 row versions in 4459 pages
psql:<stdin>:5: INFO:  "t": found 699999 removable, 1000000 nonremovable row 
versions in 10829 out of 10829 pages
DETAIL:  0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
There were 0 unused item pointers.
0 pages are entirely empty.
CPU 0.00s/0.15u sec elapsed 0.25 sec.
DELETE 989999
test1 ratio = 1.00
INSERT 0 1000000
UPDATE 699999
psql:<stdin>:5: INFO:  vacuuming "public.t"
psql:<stdin>:5: INFO:  "t": removed 699999 row versions in 4459 pages
psql:<stdin>:5: INFO:  "t": found 699999 removable, 1000000 nonremovable row 
versions in 10829 out of 10829 pages
DETAIL:  0 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
There were 0 unused item pointers.
0 pages are entirely empty.
CPU 0.00s/0.14u sec elapsed 0.19 sec.
DELETE 999999
 # | del% | ## | pages | n_live_tup | tups est | tups real |  est/real  | bufs 
 1 |  0.4 |  1 | 10829 |     600001 |   764808 |    600001 |      1.275 | 2549
 1 | 0.99 |  1 |  6370 |      10001 |   417600 |     10001 |     41.756 | 6308
 1 |    1 |  1 |  6370 |          1 |   411673 |         1 | 411673.000 | 6371
(3 rows)
#! /bin/bash

function insert_result() {
        psql ${dbname} -f - > /dev/null <<EOF
insert into result select $1, $2, $3, c.relpages, s.n_live_tup, c.reltuples, 
(select count(*) from t), reltuples::float / (select count(*) from t) from 
pg_stat_user_tables s, pg_class c where s.relname = 't' and c.relname = 't';

function vac_with_bufs() {
        psql ${dbname} -c "vacuum verbose t" 2>&1 |  egrep "INFO: *\"t\": found 
" | sed -e 's/^.* versions in \([0-9]*\) .*$/\1/'

function update_result_bufs() {
        local test_no=$1
        local delratio=$2
        local vac_no=$3
        local bufs=$4

        psql ${dbname} -c "update result set bufs=${bufs} where \"#\"=$test_no 
and \"del%\"=$delratio and \"##\"=$vac_no" >/dev/null

function store_result() {
        local test_no=$1
        local delratio=$2
        insert_result $test_no $delratio 1
        update_result_bufs $test_no $delratio 1 $scanned_bufs
#       scanned_bufs=`vac_with_bufs`
#       insert_result $test_no $delratio 2
#       update_result_bufs $test_no $delratio 2 $scanned_bufs

function test1() {
        local delratio=$1

        echo "test1 ratio = $delratio"
        psql ${dbname} -f - <<EOF
drop table if exists t;
create table t (a int, b int, c int, d int default 0, e int default 0, f int 
default 0);
insert into t (select a, (random() * 100000)::int from generate_series((select 
count(*) from t) + 1, $nrows) a);
update t set b = b + 1 where a <  (select count(*) from t) * 0.7;
vacuum verbose t;
delete from t where a < (select count(*) from t) * $delratio
        store_result 1 $delratio

function test2() {
        local delratio=$1

        echo "test2 ratio = $delratio"
        psql ${dbname} -f - <<EOF
drop table if exists t;
create table t (a int, b text);
insert into t (select a, 'abcdefg' from generate_series((select count(*) from 
t) + 1, $nrows) a);
update t set b = repeat('abcdefghij', 250) where a <  (select count(*) from t) 
* 0.7;
vacuum verbose t;
delete from t where a < (select count(*) from t) * $delratio;
        store_result 2 $delratio

psql ${dbname} -f - > /dev/null <<EOF
drop table if exists result;
create table result ("#" int, "del%" float, "##" int, pages int, n_live_tup 
int, "tups est" int, "tups real" int, "est/real" numeric(10, 3), bufs int 
default 0);
# test1 0.1
# test1 0.2
# test1 0.3
test1 0.4
# test1 0.5
# test1 0.6
# test1 0.7
# test1 0.8
# test1 0.9
# test1 0.95
test1 0.99
test1 1.00

# nrows=100000
# test2 0.1
# test2 0.2
# test2 0.3
# test2 0.4
# test2 0.5
# test2 0.6
# test2 0.7
# test2 0.8
# test2 0.9
# test2 0.95
# test2 0.99
# test2 1.00

psql ${dbname} -c 'select * from result order by "#", "del%", "##"'
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