
2013/7/8 Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com>:
> On 07/07/2013 09:14 PM, Hadi Moshayedi wrote:
>> I am attaching the updated the patch, which also fixes a bug which
>> caused one of the regression tests failed.
>> I'll subscribe this patch to the commitfest in the next hour.
>> Can you please review the patch?
> I'm afraid that, since this patch wasn't included anywhere near the
> first week of the CommitFest, I can't possibly include it in the June
> commitfest now.  Accordingly, I have moved it to the September
> commitfest.  Hopefully someone can look at it before then.
> Sorry for missing this in my "patch sweep" at the beginning of the CF.
> Searching email for patches is, at best, inexact.

sure, it should be in September CF. It is relative simple patch
without global impacts. But I like it, it increase speed for
sum(numeric) about 25% and avg(numeric) about 50%



> --
> Josh Berkus
> PostgreSQL Experts Inc.
> http://pgexperts.com

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