
> I thought this was a good spot to try and re-draw this line because I
> don't want just one program that is able to create new configuration
> entries easily.  I want to see a whole universe of them.  ALTER SYSTEM
> SET, tuning helpers, replication helpers, logging helpers, vacuum
> schedulers.  All of them *could* just dump a simple file into a config
> directory with code anyone can write.  And having ALTER SYSTEM SET do
> that provides a strong precedent for how it can be done.  (I'd like to
> see initdb do that instead of hacking the system postgresql.conf as if
> sed-style edits were still the new hotness, but that's a future change)

Thank you.  I wanted to say this, but I couldn't find a way to express it.

> Some of them didn't get the memo that the right standard name is conf.d
> now, but they're the minority.

Apparently we didn't get the memo either.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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