[ sorry for slow response, this month has been mostly crazy ]

Antonin Houska <antonin.hou...@gmail.com> writes:
> As far as I understand, deconstruct_recurse() ensures that 
> SpecialJoinInfo of a new join always gets added to higher position in 
> join_info_list than SJ infos of all joins located below the new join in 
> the tree. I wonder if we can rely on that fact sometimes.

FWIW, I think of most of those planner lists as being unordered sets.
Depending on a particular ordering definitely adds fragility; so I'd
not want to introduce such a dependency without solid evidence of a
substantial speed improvement.  The cases you mention don't seem very
likely to offer any noticeable gain at all --- at least, I don't recall
seeing any of those functions show up high in profiles.

                        regards, tom lane

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