On Jul 30, 2013 7:32 PM, "Josh Berkus" <j...@agliodbs.com> wrote:
> I don't think you understood GSmith's argument.  For Debian/Ubuntu
> sysadmins, configuration files live in /etc/, *period*.  Even ones which
> were automatically generated.  The packagers and scripters of that OS
> have taken a significant amount of trouble to make that so, including
> writing their own wrapper scripts around utilities for Postgres, Apache,
> etc., in order to support putting all configuration files in /etc/.

I used to be a Debian package maintainer. I packaged kerberos and afs and a
number of smaller packages. I know why Debian separates config files.

If a file is automatically maintained then it's internal program state just
like the list of users, databases, tables, etc.

Programs keep their state in /var. It would be just as wrong to put
auto.conf in /etc as it is to put the existing postgresql.conf in PGDATA.

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