On Wed, 11 Sep 2002, snpe wrote:

> yes, we're going around in circles.
> Ok.I agreed (I think because Oracle do different)
> Transaction start
> I type invalid command
> I correct command
> I get error
> Why.If is it transactin, why I get error
> I want continue.
> I am see this error with JDeveloper (work with Oracle, DB2 an SQL Server)

Right, that's a separate issue (I alluded to it earlier, but wasn't sure
that's what you were interested in).  PostgreSQL treats all errors as
unrecoverable.  It may be a little loose about immediately rolling back
due to the fact that historically autocommit was on and it seemed better
to not go into autocommit mode after the error.

I doubt that 7.3 is going to change that behavior, but a case might be
made that when autocommit is off the error immediately causes a rollback
and new transaction will start upon the next statement (that would
normally start a transaction).

At some point in the future, you'll probably be able to do nested
transactions or savepoints or error recovery and this will all be moot.

> It is not matter for me transaction or not.I get error for correct command
> after invalid

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