On 4 Sep 2013 20:46, "Heikki Linnakangas" <hlinnakan...@vmware.com> wrote:

> One fairly simple thing we could do is to teach catcache.c to resize the
caches. Then we could make the initial size of all the syscaches much
smaller. At the moment, we use fairly caches for catalogs like pg_enum (256
entries) and pg_usermapping (128), even though most databases don't use
those features at all. If they could be resized on demand, we could easily
allocate them initially with just, say, 4 entries.

If most databases don't use the feature at all, tsparser, enums, etc, why
not start out with *no* cache and only build one when it's first needed?
This would also mean there's less overhead for implementing new features
that aren't universally used.

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