Hannu Krosing <ha...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:

> What I meant is that rather than leave it really undocumented,
> document it as "system function for specific usage, has caveats
> and may change in future versions. use at your own risk and
> make sure you know what you are doing"

Well, that was my original assumption and intention; but when I
went to look for where the operators for record *equals* were
defined, I found that we had apparently chosen to leave them
undocumented.  Oddly, under a section titled "Row-wise Comparison"
we only document the behavior of comparisons involving what the SQL
spec calls <row value constructor>.   I asked whether that was
intentional, and heard only the chirping of crickets:


If we choose not to document the equals operator for records, it
hardly makes sense to document the identical operator for records.

> PostgreSQL has good enough introspection features that people
> tend to find functions and operators using psql-s \d ...

One would think so, yet I don't recall seeing anyone posting
regarding the existing undocumented record comparison operators. 
Nor do I recall seeing anyone posting about the undocumented
pattern comparison operators.

Kevin Grittner
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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