> > It seems all of this discussion misses the point. Either it has a large
> > amount of impact and the idea gets rejected because of implementation
> > issues, or it has little impact but it's nothing the core group wants to
> > implement. If the problem is finding someone to implement it, it sounds
> > like Justin has found such a person, so are we going to stand in his way
> > while we wax poetic about OS religion and corporate philosophies or can
> > he start submitting patches?
> Actually, the work is minimal.  Look at the commit I used to remove
> PGXLOG, trim that to remove the changes to make the path name dynamic in
> size (added too much complexity for little benefit) and hang the path
> coding off a GUC variable rather than an environment variable.

I personally don't see the problem with a GUC variable...that seems like the
perfect solution to me...


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