> What I can't understand is the attitude of some people here. Yes,
> Microsoft are evil, but the bottom line is, millions of people use
> Windows. Just look at the number of downloads for pgAdmin (shown at
> http://www.pgadmin.org/downloads/) - the last stable version has clocked
> up over 38,000 downloads, the preview I released just a couple of weeks
> ago, 2230 at the time of writing. I know from talking to some of the
> users that often people download copies for themselves and their
> colleagues, so we can probably assume there are actually 40,000+
> PostgreSQL users that use Windows reguarly enough to want pgAdmin. What
> happens if you add in the pgAccess/Windows users, Tora, or pgExplorer?
> How many of these people would want to run PostgreSQL on Windows as
> well?

I actually think that the long-term survival of Postgres DEPENDS on our
Win32 support.  Otherwise, we'll just get massacred by MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle
and Firebird who do support Win32.

Users of Postgres are our lifeblood.  The more users we have the more
developers we get, the more testing we get and the more likely we are to get
money, corporate support, etc.  Our ODBC driver will also be improved.


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