On 20 October 2013 12:06 Amit Kapila wrote:
>On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 3:37 PM, Haribabu kommi <haribabu.ko...@huawei.com> 
>> On 12 October 2013 11:30 Tom Lane wrote:
>>>Haribabu kommi <haribabu.ko...@huawei.com> writes:
>>>> To handle the above case instead of directly resetting the dead 
>>>> tuples as zero, how if the exact dead tuples are removed from the table 
>>>> stats. With this approach vacuum gets triggered frequently thus it reduces 
>>>> the bloat.
>>>This does not seem like a very good idea as-is, because it will mean 
>>>that n_dead_tuples can diverge arbitrarily far from reality over time, as a 
>>>result of accumulation of errors.  It also doesn't seem like a very good 
>>>idea that VACUUM sets n_live_tuples while only adjusting n_dead_tuples 
>>>incrementally; ideally those counters should move in the same fashion.
>>>In short, I think this patch will create at least as many problems as it 
>>>What would make more sense to me is for VACUUM to estimate the number 
>>>of remaining dead tuples somehow and send that in its message.  However, 
>>>since the whole point here is that we aren't accounting for transactions 
>>>that commit while VACUUM runs, it's not very clear how to do that.
>>>Another way to look at it is that we want to keep any increments to 
>>>n_dead_tuples that occur after VACUUM takes its snapshot.  Maybe we could 
>>>have VACUUM copy the n_dead_tuples value as it exists when VACUUM starts, 
>>>and then send that as the value to subtract when it's done?
>> Taking of n_dead_tuples copy and pass the same at the vacuum end to 
>> subtract from table stats may not be correct, as vacuum may not be cleaned 
>> all the dead tuples because of tuple visibility To other transactions. How 
>> about resets the n_dead_tuples as zero if it goes negative because of errors?

>Wouldn't the way you are planing to change n_dead_tuples create inconsistency 
>for n_live_tuples and n_dead_tuples, because it would have counted non deleted 
>tuples as n_live_tuples as per below code:
>if (tupgone)
>tups_vacuumed += 1;
>has_dead_tuples = true;
>num_tuples += 1;
>hastup = true;
>So now if we just subtract tuples_deleted from n_dead_tuples, it will count 
>the tuples deleted during vacuum both as live tuples and dead tuples.
>There is one statistics for dead row version's that cannot be removed (nkeep), 
>if we could use that to estimate total remaining dead tuples, then the 
>solution can be inline with Tom's suggestion (What 
>would make more sense to me is for VACUUM to estimate the number of remaining 
>dead tuples somehow and send that in its message.).

Yes, it's correct. "nkeep" counter have the dead tuples which are recently dead 
and are not vacuumed. The removal of tuples vacuumed from dead tuples should be 
the same as "nkeep" counter.
So if we remove the nkeep from num_tuples which gives us the proper live 
tuples. How about following statement at the end scan for all blocks.

num_tuples -= nkeep;

please let me know if any corrections are required.
Patch with the above implementation is attached in the mail.

Hari babu.

Attachment: vacuum_fix_v2.patch
Description: vacuum_fix_v2.patch

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