On 10/21/2013 10:14 AM, Andres Freund wrote:
> Well, who are you going to get to review things that they consider
> simply bad ideas? I have no problem investing serious time in doing
> detailed reviews of patches I can see the point of, but reviews of stuff
> I think is pointless? Not really.

That's still a review, if you actually do it.  "I don't think this patch
adds useful functionality because ..."

>> At some point folks on this list are going to admit that we have a
>> serious problem with reviews and reviewers, and that it's worth a
>> project-wide effort to do something about it.  Apparently that day
>> hasn't come yet; most people are still in denial.
> The fact that people do agree with your solutions, doesn't imply that
> they don't care about the problem itself.

The fact that people don't propose of put any work into solutions of
their own, while opposing solutions proposed by others, shows that they
don't actually care.  Where's your solution?

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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