"MauMau" <maumau...@gmail.com> writes:
> On the other hand, nchar is an established data type in the SQL standard.  I 
> think most people will expect to get "nchar" as output from psql \d and 
> pg_dump as they specified in DDL.

This argument seems awfully weak.  You've been able to say
     create table nt (nf national character varying(22));
in Postgres since around 1997, but I don't recall one single bug report
about how that is displayed as just "character varying(22)".

The other big problem with this line of argument is that you're trying
to claim better spec compliance for what is at best a rather narrow
interpretation with really minimal added functionality.  (In fact,
until you have a solution for the problem that incoming and outgoing
data must be in the database's primary encoding, you don't actually have
*any* added functionality, just syntactic sugar that does nothing useful.)
Unless you can demonstrate by lawyerly reading of the spec that the spec
requires exactly the behavior this patch implements, you do not have a leg
to stand on here.  But you can't demonstrate that, because it doesn't.

I'd be much more impressed by seeing a road map for how we get to a
useful amount of added functionality --- which, to my mind, would be
the ability to support N different encodings in one database, for N>2.
But even if you think N=2 is sufficient, we haven't got a road map, and
commandeering spec-mandated syntax for an inadequate feature doesn't seem
like a good first step.  It'll just make our backwards-compatibility
problems even worse when somebody does come up with a real solution.

                        regards, tom lane

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