On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 1:09 AM, Peter Geoghegan <p...@heroku.com> wrote:
> Since it took me a relatively long time to recreate this, it may not
> be trivial to do so. Unless you don't think it's useful to do so, I'm
> going to give this test a full 24 hours, just in case it shows up
> anything else like this.

I see a further, distinct error message this morning:

"ERROR:  unrecognized heap_lock_tuple status: 1"

This is a would-be "attempted to lock invisible tuple" error, but with
the error raised by some heap_lock_tuple() call site, unlike the
previous situation where heap_lock_tuple() raised the error directly.
Since with the most recent revision, we handle this (newly possible)
return code in the new ExecLockHeapTupleForUpdateSpec() function, that
just leaves EvalPlanQualFetch() as a plausible place to see it, given
the codepaths exercised in the test case.

Peter Geoghegan

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