At 09.31 24/09/02 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:

>Roberto Fichera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > At 10.40 23/09/02 -0400, you wrote:
> >> I think you've got *serious* hardware problems.  Hard to tell if it's
> >> disk or memory, but get out those diagnostic programs now ...
> > database=# DROP TABLE TS;
> > ERROR:  cannot find attribute 1 of relation ts_pkey
> > database=# DROP INDEX TS_PKEY;
> > ERROR:  cannot find attribute 1 of relation ts_pkey
>Now you've got corrupted system indexes (IIRC this is a symptom of
>problems in one of the indexes for pg_attribute).

I'll run some memory checker.

>You might be able to recover from this using a REINDEX DATABASE
>operation (read the man page carefully, it's a bit tricky), but
>I am convinced that you've got hardware problems.  I would suggest
>that you first shut down the database and then find and fix your
>hardware problem --- otherwise, things will just get worse and worse.
>After you have a stable platform again, you can try to restore
>consistency to the database.

I'll try it.

Roberto Fichera.

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