On 12/18/13, 1:42 PM, Kevin Grittner wrote:
Jim Nasby <j...@nasby.net> wrote:

This is another case where it would be very useful to restrict
what relations a transaction (or in this case, a substransaction)
can access. If we had the ability to make that restriction then
we could force assertions that aren't plain SQL to explicitly
specify what tables the assert is going to hit, and if the assert
tries to do something different then we throw an error.

The ability to restrict object access within a transaction would
also benefit VACUUM and possibly the Changeset stuff.

I'm pretty sure that SSI could also optimize based on that,
although there are probably about 10 other optimizations that would
be bigger gains before getting to that.

Any ideas how hard this would be? My thought is that we might be able to 
perform this check in the functions that do catalog lookups, but I'm worried 
that that wouldn't allow us to support subtransaction checks (which we'd need 
for assertions), and it runs the risk of long-lasting object references 
spanning the transaction (or subtransaction) and thereby thwarting the check.

Another option would be in heap accessor functions, but that means we could 
only restrict access to tables. For assertions, it would be nice to also 
disallow access to functions that could have unintended consequences that could 
violate the assertion (like dblink).
Jim C. Nasby, Data Architect                       j...@nasby.net
512.569.9461 (cell)                         http://jim.nasby.net

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