Robert Haas escribió:

> Maybe what we should do is add a function something like
> pg_tuple_header(tableoid, ctid) that returns a record, maybe something
> like (rawxmin xid, rawxmax xid, rawcid cid, infomask int, infomask2
> int, hoff int).  Or perhaps some slightly more cooked version of that
> information.  And then delete the xmin, xmax, cmin, and cmax system
> columns.  That'd save significantly on pg_attribute entries while, at
> the same time, actually providing more information than we do today.

+1 for this general idea.  I proposed this some time ago and got shot
down because of pageinspect.  I don't know about taking the system
columns out completely -- not sure how much third party code we're going
to break that way, certainly a lot -- but the extra functionality would
be useful nonetheless.

Álvaro Herrera      
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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