On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 6:15 AM, Tomas Vondra <t...@fuzzy.cz> wrote:

> On 8.1.2014 22:58, Alexander Korotkov wrote:
> > Thanks for reporting. Fixed version is attached.
> I've tried to rerun the 'archie' benchmark with the current patch, and
> once again I got
>    PANIC:  could not split GIN page, didn't fit
> I reran it with '--enable-cassert' and with that I got
> TRAP: FailedAssertion("!(ginCompareItemPointers(&items[i - 1],
>                    &items[i]) < 0)", File: "gindatapage.c", Line: 149)
> LOG:  server process (PID 5364) was terminated by signal 6: Aborted
> DETAIL:  Failed process was running: INSERT INTO messages ...
> so the assert in GinDataLeafPageGetUncompressed fails for some reason.
> I can easily reproduce it, but my knowledge in this area is rather
> limited so I'm not entirely sure what to look for.

I've fixed this bug and many other bug. Now patch passes test suite that
I've used earlier. The results are so:

Operations time:
         event         |     period
 index_build           | 00:01:47.53915
 index_build_recovery  | 00:00:04
 index_update          | 00:05:24.388163
 index_update_recovery | 00:00:53
 search_new            | 00:24:02.289384
 search_updated        | 00:27:09.193343
(6 rows)

Index sizes:
     label     |   size
 new           | 384761856
 after_updates | 667942912
(2 rows)

Also, I made following changes in algorithms:

   - Now, there is a limit to number of uncompressed TIDs in the page.
   After reaching this limit, they are encoded independent on if they can fit
   page. That seems to me more desirable behaviour and somehow it accelerates
   search speed. Before this change times were following:

         event         |     period
 index_build           | 00:01:51.467888
 index_build_recovery  | 00:00:04
 index_update          | 00:05:03.315155
 index_update_recovery | 00:00:51
 search_new            | 00:24:43.194882
 search_updated        | 00:28:36.316784
(6 rows)

   - Page are not fully re-encoded if it's enough to re-encode just last

README is updated.

With best regards,
Alexander Korotkov.

Attachment: gin-packed-postinglists-varbyte5.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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