Craig Ringer wrote:
> Out of personal interest (in pain and suffering) I was recently looking
> into how to compile extensions out-of-tree on Windows using Visual
> Studio (i.e. no PGXS).
> It looks like the conventional answer to this is "Do a source build of
> PG, compile your ext in-tree in contrib/, and hope the result is binary
> compatible with release PostgreSQL builds for Windows". Certainly that's
> how I've been doing it to date.
> How about everyone else here? Does anyone actually build and distribute
> extensions out of tree at all?

I build binaries for oracle_fdw for EDB's binaries "by hand",
i.e. I look at what PGXS does on Linux and try to do something
comparable with "cl".  It's rather painful, and something like
PGXS for MSVC would be very welcome.

Laurenz Albe

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