BTW, what is the value of using posix_fadvise() in warm_fcache?

ISTM that if you're worried about waiting for I/O while holding the
LWLock (as I concur you should be), this coding is entirely inadequate
for preventing that, as the whole point of posix_fadvise is that it
won't wait around for the I/O to happen.  It strains credulity to
the breaking point to imagine that the kernel will have gotten
around to reading the file in the small number of nanoseconds that
will elapse before you start needing the data.  Unless of course the file
is already in buffers, but then the whole thing was a waste of code.

I think we should flush the posix_fadvise() code path as being neither
useful nor portable, and just do the actual read() as in the other
path (which btw is lacking an essential fseek).

Actually, I think the whole thing is rather badly designed, as warm
cache or no you're still proposing to do thousands of kernel calls
while holding a potentially contended LWLock.  I suggest what we
do is (1) read in the whole file, (2) acquire the lock, (3)
re-read the whole file in the same buffer, (4) work from the buffer.

It might be possible to optimize the re-read away in the common case
that the file didn't actually change since we started to read it;
we'd need to put a bit more reporting into qtext_store probably, so
that it's possible to tell if any space is reserved but still unwritten.
BTW shouldn't there be an fflush() in qtext_store?

We could also eliminate some palloc/pfree cycles by using the string
directly in the buffer (at the small cost of needing to include the
strings' trailing nulls in the file).

                        regards, tom lane

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