On 01/21/2014 05:22 PM, Mark Kirkwood wrote:
> If said malicious attacker can log into postgres and issue its own
> queries, and connect to other database then you are in serious trouble
> already.
> I also wonder that if such an attacker knows the application name, that
> would suggest that they have access to the application server and are
> able to read its config files...which would probably also contain the
> host and db name too (and possibly the password in some unfortunate cases)!

Common case:

Multitenant shared hosting on a public cloud.

1. attacker writes a tool which exploits VulnerableApplication and takes
it over.

2. they exploit SiteX, running that web app.

3. using SiteX's database credentials, they check pg_stat_activity and
see what other hosts are running VulnerableApplication.

4. They then infect the other hosts running VulnerableApplication.


4. They use VulnerableApplication's predictable password-generating flaw
to log into the other databases, or to try the default password which
ships with the app.

However, thinking about the case above, there are a number of caveats
and workarounds which make the above not that interesting of an exploit

A. it's easy to find VulnerableApplication simply by scanning the web.
Easier, in fact, than the above, if you have an IP block to start with,
and you would.

B. Most applications don't actually set application-specific application
names anyway ("psycopg2", "libpq").

C. It would be trivially easy for a DBA concerned about security to
obfuscate application names in a way which would not be easy for an
attacker to analyze.

D. Don't use default passwords.  Also, the attacker merely needs to try
each database in turn anyway.

Given the above, I think this specific patch falls into the broad class
of things we would like to have in a "multi-tenant toolkit" (and is far
from the most useful of those), which would include:

* hiding application_name, user_name, and database_names from users of
other databases

* "local superuser" who can create per-database users and extensions
from an approved list

* ability to block users from changing some resource limits (work_mem,
for example).

* per-database logging (could be done with log hooks, just needs a contrib).

It seems to me that it's not terribly useful to "fix" one item on the
above list without having at least a *plan* to address the others. This
really needs to be part of a comprehensive system, not piecework, or
we'll end up with a bunch of little security options which don't work

Probably Heroku has some more specific exploit case to be concerned
about here; if so, might I suggest taking it up with the -security list?

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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