Greg Stark <> writes:
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Andres Freund <> wrote:
>> Isn't the page 3634978?

> The page in the record is.

> But the page on disk is in the 54th segment at offset 1F0C0000

> So unless my arithmetic is wrong:

> bc -l
> ibase=16
> 400 * 400 * 400 / 2000 * 54 + 1F0C0000 / 2000
> 11073632

At least two of us are confused.  I get

# select ((2^30) * 54.0 + 'x1F0C0000'::bit(32)::int) / 8192;
(1 row)

                        regards, tom lane

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