On Mon, 17 Feb 2014 14:18:40 -0500
Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> Jim Seymour <jseym...@linxnet.com> writes:
> > Tried to upgrade from 8.2.21 to 8.4.19 this morning and ran into a
> > wall: It would appear the 
> >     hostssl all all  ldap "ldaps://..."
> > syntax is no longer supported?
> The 8.4 release notes say that there were incompatible changes in the
> format of pg_hba.conf entries for LDAP authentication, and this is
> one: you're supposed to use the ldaptls option now.

Yes, I saw that, but when I tried

    ldap ldapserver=... ldapport=636 ldaptls=1

it failed.

> AFAICS from the relevant commit (7356381ef), there is no change in
> functionality between what we did for "ldaps:" and what we do now
> for "ldaptls".

That very well could be.  I always *assumed* that "ldaps://" meant it
was doing SSL on port 636.  After all: That's what SMTPS means, for
example.  But I got to thinking, and looking at my OpenLDAP config and
thought "Hmmm... I wonder...?" and removed "ldapport=636" from my
pg_hba.conf and, lo and behold, it worked!

Thanks for the follow-up, Tom.

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