
I don't know where is a problem, but I can put a two advices

a) start by extending some known extension

b) look to source code, where and why a exception was raised. Verbose mode
can help

[pavel@localhost ~]$ psql postgres
psql (9.4devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \set VERBOSITY verbose
postgres=# SELECT 10/0;
ERROR:  22012: division by zero
LOCATION:  int4div, int.c:719



2014-03-16 14:41 GMT+01:00 Mohsen SM <mohsensoodk...@gmail.com>:

> I create one new type with CREATE TYPE command.
> for my type its INTERNALLENGTH is VARIABLE .
> but I want to my type behavior  similar to char and when I type this query:
> then when I write this query, so it get an error for it's length:
> insert into tbl values('dd');
> its error is :
> ERROR:  value too long for type character(1)
> but my NEWTYPE don't get this error and work similar to varchar.
> how I can do it?
> I check for char type the bpchar() function. when I work with char type
> and want to insert one word longest one character so, bpchar() called.
> but for my NEWTYPE don't call the newtype() function.
> how can I correct this problem?

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