
  Looks like we might not be entirely out of the woods yet regarding
  MultiXactId's.  After doing an upgrade from 9.2.6 to 9.3.4, we saw the

  ERROR:  MultiXactId 6849409 has not been created yet -- apparent wraparound

  The table contents can be select'd out and match the pre-upgrade
  backup, but any attempt to VACUUM / VACUUM FULL / CLUSTER fails,

  I've just started looking into this, but here's a bit more data-

  The *NEW* (9.3.4) cluster's pg_multixact files:


    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 8192 Mar 30 02:33 0000


    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres   8192 Mar 28 01:11 0000
    -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 122880 Mar 30 02:33 0018

  The *OLD* (9.2.6) cluster's pg_multixact files:


    -rw-rw-r-- 1 postgres postgres 188416 Mar 30 03:07 0044

    -rw-rw-r-- 1 postgres postgres 114688 Mar 30 03:07 0018

  txid_current - 40297693
  datfrozenxid - 654

  autovacuum_freeze_max_age, vacuum_freeze_min_age,
  vacuum_freeze_table_age, multixact GUCs are commented out / default

  The *NEW* (9.3.4) control data shows:

  pg_control version number:            937
  Catalog version number:               201306121

  Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          0/40297704
  Latest checkpoint's NextOID:          53773598

  Latest checkpoint's NextMultiXactId:  1601771
  Latest checkpoint's NextMultiOffset:  1105

  Latest checkpoint's oldestXID:        654
  Latest checkpoint's oldestXID's DB:   12036
  Latest checkpoint's oldestActiveXID:  40297704
  Latest checkpoint's oldestMultiXid:   1601462
  Latest checkpoint's oldestMulti's DB: 0

  The *OLD* (9.2.6) control data had:

  pg_control version number:            922
  Catalog version number:               201204301

  Latest checkpoint's NextXID:          0/40195831
  Latest checkpoint's NextOID:          53757891

  Latest checkpoint's NextMultiXactId:  1601462
  Latest checkpoint's NextMultiOffset:  4503112

  Latest checkpoint's oldestXID:        654
  Latest checkpoint's oldestXID's DB:   12870
  Latest checkpoint's oldestActiveXID:  0

  (It doesn't report the oldestMulti info under 9.2.6).

  The pg_upgrade reported:

  Setting oldest multixact ID on new cluster

  While testing, I discovered that this didn't appear to happen with a
  (earlier) upgrade to 9.3.2.  Don't know if it's indicative of

  Here is what pageinspace shows for the record:

  -[ RECORD 1 ]--------
  lp          | 45
  lp_off      | 5896
  lp_flags    | 1
  lp_len      | 50
  t_xmin      | 9663920
  t_xmax      | 6849409
  t_field3    | 26930
  t_ctid      | (0,45)
  t_infomask2 | 5
  t_infomask  | 6528
  t_hoff      | 24
  t_bits      | 
  t_oid       | 

  Which shows xmax as 6849409 and HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI is set.  This is
  the only tuple in the table which has HEAP_XMAX_IS_MULTI and the xmax
  for all of the other tuples is quite a bit higher (though all are
  visible currently).




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