Andrew Dunstan <> writes:
> BTW, three animals are currently trying to contribute typedefs but 
> aren't in fact contributing anything: okapi, dromedary and prairiedog. 
> See <>

Man, that's a short list.  I wonder if we need to encourage more people
to do this.

> I can't really help much on these as my Gentoo facilities are 
> non-existent, and my OSX facilities are not much better. I do recall 
> trying to find a way to get typedefs on OSX a few years ago, without 
> success.

I poked around a bit, and so far as I can tell, OS X does not store debug
symbol tables in executables.  It looks like gdb goes to the .o files when
it wants debug info.  What's in the .o files is good ol' DWARF (at least
in reasonably recent OS X releases), so it's not any harder to pull out
the typedef names than it is on Linux.  The problem is that you gotta
iterate over all the .o files in the build tree rather than the installed
executables.  I looked at fixing find_typedefs but it seems like it's
pretty fixated on the latter approach; any thoughts on how to revise it?

                        regards, tom lane

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