On 4/7/14 2:59 AM, Craig Ringer wrote:
On 04/05/2014 03:57 AM, Andres Freund wrote:

c07) Updatable security barrier views.
      This needs a serious look by a committer.
I've been exercising it via row security and it's been looking pretty
solid. It isn't a huge or intrusive patch, and it's seen several rounds
of discussion during its development and refinement. (Thanks Dean).

Same here, nothing but good feedback from testing. The updatable security barrier views has been sitting in "Ready For Committer" since late January. Unfortunately, I just learned that some of the people who might commit in this area--Stephen Frost for example--thought there were still major oustanding issues with that part.

I (and I think Craig too) been waiting for that to be picked up by a committer, Stephen was waiting for me or Craig to fix unrelated bugs, and that's where the CF process has been deadlocked on this one.

A core bugfix with locking in security barrier views is required before the regression tests can be fixed up properly, for one thing. Tom also expressed concerns about how plan invalidation works, though it's not yet clear whether that was just miscommunication about how it works on my part or whether there's a concrete problem there.

This is similarly stuck. I'm not out of resources, there's just nothing I can do here myself. For this to move forward, a committer needs to pick up the security barrier views part. We also need a bug fix for the issue that's breaking the regression tests. Once all that's done, RLS on top of updateable security barrier views might be commitable. But there's no way to tell for sure until those other two bits are sorted out.

I'd really love to finish this off for 9.4, but other projects have to come first.

I have no other projects ahead of this for the remainder of this month. I just can't figure out what to do next until there's a committer (or committers, if someone else is going to take on the locking bug) identified. I looked at the locking problem enough to know that one is over my head.

Greg Smith greg.sm...@crunchydatasolutions.com
Chief PostgreSQL Evangelist - http://crunchydatasolutions.com/

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