On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 7:44 AM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think that the basic problem here is that usage counts increase when
> buffers are referenced, but they decrease when buffers are evicted,
> and those two things are not in any necessary way connected to each
> other.  In particular, if no eviction is happening, reference counts
> will converge to the maximum value.  I've read a few papers about
> algorithms that attempt to segregate the list of buffers into "hot"
> and "cold" lists, and an important property of such algorithms is that
> they mustn't be allowed to make everything hot.  It's easy to be too
> simplistic, here: an algorithm that requires that no more than half
> the list be hot will fall over badly on a workload where the working
> set exceeds the available cache and the really hot portion of the
> working set is 60% of the available cache.  So you need a more
> sophisticated algorithm than that.  But that core property that not
> all buffers can be hot must somehow be preserved, and our algorithm
> doesn't.

FWIW in CLOCK-Pro segregating buffers between hot and cold is tied to
eviction and the clock sweep, the ratio between hot and cold is
dynamically adapted based on prior experience. The main downside is
that it seems to require an indirection somewhere either in the clock
sweep or buffer lookup. Maybe it's possible to avoid that with some
clever engineering if we think hard enough.

CLOCK-Pro may also have too little memory of hotness, making it too
easy to blow the whole cache away with a burst of activity. It may be
useful to have a (possibly tunable) notion of fairness where one
query/backend can't take over the cache even though it may be an
overall win in terms of total number of I/Os performed. Maybe we need
to invent Generalized CLOCK-Pro with a larger number of levels,
ranging from cold, hot and scalding to infernal. :)

Ants Aasma
Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH
Gröhrmühlgasse 26
A-2700 Wiener Neustadt
Web: http://www.postgresql-support.de

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