On Tue, 2002-10-15 at 15:12, Stephan Szabo wrote:
> On 15 Oct 2002, John Halderman wrote:
> > I'm currently using 7.3b2 for test and development. I ran into a
> > using a dumped schema from pg_dump. After importing the dumped
> > any delete or update involving a foreign key results in a relation 0
> > does not exist error. I noticed that all my foreign key declarations
> > were moved from the table create to separate statements at the
bottom of
> > the dump file. Thanks in advance for any insight into this problem
> > can lend.
> If the data has moved from earlier versions (I think 7.0.x) there was
> bug in an older pg_dump that dropped a piece of information (the
> related table) and the loss would be carried along.  That
> information is now used rather than the name passed in the args
> so said dumps break on b2. Current sources should fill in the missing
> information whenever possible.
Actually we are dumping from b2 to b2. Also the problem doesn't seem to
related to the data or missing data. I can infer this because I am doing
a schema only dump. After I import this dump i create some test data and
still run into the relation 0 does not exist error. I think it has
something to do with the way the dump defines the foreign key
constraints and triggers. Thanks again for the help.


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