I wrote:
> Another idea would be to change the definition of the exists operator
> so that it *does* look into sub-objects.  It seems rather random to me
> that containment looks into sub-objects but exists doesn't.  However,
> possibly there are good reasons for the non-orthogonality.

No, wait, containment *doesn't* look into sub-objects:

regression=# select * from j where f1 @> '{"foo": {"bar": "baz"}}';
 {"foo": {"bar": "baz"}}
(1 row)

regression=# select * from j where f1 @> '{"bar": "baz"}';
(0 rows)

This is rather surprising in view of the way that section 8.14.4
goes on about nesting.  But I guess the user-facing docs for jsonb
are in little better shape than the internal docs.

                        regards, tom lane

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