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Re: Tom Lane 2014-05-15 <31008.1400180...@sss.pgh.pa.us>
> Sandeep Thakkar <sandeep.thak...@enterprisedb.com> writes:
> > Yes, Jakob is right. On 9.4, we had to patch configure script along with
> > uuid-ossp.c to resolve the uuid issue.
> I think we need to discuss this on the open pgsql-hackers list.
> It seems like we have to either 
> (1) hack both configure and uuid-ossp.c to work around the issue
> (2) do something more radical, like adopt Palle's patch to use the
> BSD uuid functions.
> Now, (2) sounds a bit scary for a post-beta1 change, but on the other hand
> we know that ossp-uuid is a train wreck in progress.  Maybe it's time
> to do something about it.  But that's got to be debated on -hackers not
> here.

Fwiw, libossp-uuid is the only non-trivial dependency of
postgresql*.{deb,rpm} - I've been to trainings at customer sites more
than once where we just had a preinstalled Linux machine with no
internet and a set of PostgreSQL packages that needed dpkg
--force-depends or rpm --nodeps to install just because the -contrib
package needs that lib.

So if we got rid of that dependency, life might become a bit easier
also in that setting.

c...@df7cb.de | http://www.df7cb.de/

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