On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 10:37:36AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> After giving somebody advice, for the Nth time, to install a
> memory-consumption ulimit instead of leaving his database to the tender
> mercies of the Linux OOM killer, it occurred to me to wonder why we don't
> provide a built-in feature for that, comparable to the "ulimit -c max"
> option that already exists in pg_ctl.

In principle, I would like to have such a feature.  The only limit I've found
reliable on the occasions I wanted this was RLIMIT_AS; RLIMIT_DATA has been
ineffective on Linux+GNU libc.  RLIMIT_AS has its own problems, of course:
address space usage is only tenuously connected to the definition of "memory
consumption" folks actually want.  Worse, one can often construct a query to
crash an RLIMIT_AS-affected backend.  Make the query use heap space until just
shy of the limit, then burn stack space until RLIMIT_AS halts stack growth.

I would welcome a feature for configuring each RLIMIT_* or some selection
thereof.  Then it's up to the administrator to know the (possibly
platform-specific) benefits and risks of each limit.  I don't think a high
level "limit memory consumption" feature is within reach, though.

> A reasonably low-overhead way
> to do that would be to define it as something a backend process sets
> once at startup, if told to by a GUC.  The GUC could possibly be
> PGC_BACKEND level though I'm not sure if we want unprivileged users
> messing with it.

Letting unprivileged users raise the limit is somewhat like allowing them to
raise work_mem.  On the other hand, while one can craft queries to consume
arbitrary multiples of work_mem, the combination of RLIMIT_AS and CONNECTION
LIMIT should be effective to cap a user's memory consumption.  Overall,
PGC_SUSET sounds good to me, for the reasons Craig gave.


Noah Misch
EnterpriseDB                                 http://www.enterprisedb.com

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