On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 12:08 PM, John Lumby <johnlu...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> The question is, if you receive the notification of the I/O completion
>> using a signal or a thread, is it safe to release the lwlock from the
>> signal handler or a separate thread?
> In the forthcoming  new version of the patch that uses sigevent,
> the originator locks a LWlock associated with that BAaiocb eXclusive,
> and ,   when signalled,  in the signal handler it places that LWlock
> on a process-local queue of LWlocks awaiting release.
> (No, It cannot be safely released inside the signal handler or in a
> separate thread).     Whenever the mainline passes a CHECK_INTERRUPTS macro
> and at a few additional points in bufmgr,  the backend walks this 
> process-local
> queue and releases those LWlocks.    This is also done if the originator
> itself issues a ReadBuffer,  which is the most frequent case in which it
> is released.

I suggest using a semaphore instead.

Semaphores are supposed to be incremented/decremented from multiple
threads or processes already. So, in theory, the callback itself
should be able to do it.

The problem with the process-local queue is that it may take time to
be processed (the time it takes to get to a CHECK_INTERRUPTS macro,
which as it happened with regexes, it can be quite high).

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