While looking into a btree internal page using pg_filedump against an
int4 index generated pgbench, I noticed that only item 2 has length 8,
which indicates that the index tuple has only tuple header and has no
index data. In my understanding this indicates that the item is used
to represent a down link to a page. Question is, why the item is 2,
not 1. I thought an index tuple indicating down link is always 1. Is
this a sign that something goes wrong?

Block    3 ********************************************************
<Header> -----
 Block Offset: 0x00006000         Offsets: Lower    1164 (0x048c)
 Block: Size 8192  Version    4            Upper    3624 (0x0e28)
 LSN:  logid      2 recoff 0x1550a608      Special  8176 (0x1ff0)
 Items:  285                      Free Space: 2460
 Checksum: 0x0000  Prune XID: 0x00000000  Flags: 0x0000 ()
 Length (including item array): 1164

<Data> ------ 
 Item   1 -- Length:   16  Offset: 3624 (0x0e28)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   2 -- Length:    8  Offset: 8168 (0x1fe8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   3 -- Length:   16  Offset: 8152 (0x1fd8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   4 -- Length:   16  Offset: 8136 (0x1fc8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item   5 -- Length:   16  Offset: 8120 (0x1fb8)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item 281 -- Length:   16  Offset: 3704 (0x0e78)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item 282 -- Length:   16  Offset: 3688 (0x0e68)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item 283 -- Length:   16  Offset: 3672 (0x0e58)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item 284 -- Length:   16  Offset: 3656 (0x0e48)  Flags: NORMAL
 Item 285 -- Length:   16  Offset: 3640 (0x0e38)  Flags: NORMAL

<Special Section> -----
 BTree Index Section:
  Flags: 0x0000 ()
  Blocks: Previous (0)  Next (289)  Level (1)  CycleId (0)

Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

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