On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 2:46 PM, Marko Tiikkaja <ma...@joh.to> wrote:
> Hi hackers,
> Attached is a patch to add support for PGP signatures in encrypted messages
> into pgcrypto.

I noticed Heikki wanted to check if there is any interested for the
patches in the current commitfest.

Yes, our company Trustly are very interested in the two PGP additions
to pgcrypto.

We currently use these patches in production in a separate database,
but if they would be part of standard postgres, we wouldn't need to
run the application using the functionality in a separate database
server, which would simplify things a lot.

Without these patches, there is no way to deal with PGP signatures.
Since signatures is a crucial component of OpenPGP, the existing
encryption/decryption features are useful, but not nearly as useful as
if you also have the capabilities to generate and verify PGP

We use the PGP functionality in a system called BankAPI, which is open
source and available here: https://github.com/trustly/bankapi

Also, in the documentation, it has already been acknowledged the lack
of signing is a current limitation:
"F.25.3.9. Limitations of PGP Code
No support for signing. That also means that it is not checked whether
the encryption subkey belongs to the master key."

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