On 9/5/14 10:40 AM, Pavel Stehule wrote:
2014-09-05 10:33 GMT+02:00 Marko Tiikkaja <ma...@joh.to>:
I don't see why.  The PL/PgSQL SQL parser goes to great lengths to
identify unmatched parenthesis.  But the parens probably aren't necessary
in the first place; you could just omit them and keep parsing until the
next comma AFAICT.  So the syntax would be:

boolean_expr [, error_message [, error_message_param [, ... ] ] ];

extension RAISE about ASSERT level has minimal new value

Oops. I meant to type ASSERT there, instead of RAISE. Does that make more sense?

I disagree.  The new keywords provide nothing of value here.  They even
encourage the use of quirky syntax in *exchange* for verbosity ("IS NOT
NULL pk"? really?).

It is about semantic and conformity of proposed tools. Sure,  all can
reduced to ASSERT(expr) .. but where is some benefit against function call

I see several benefits:

  1) Standard syntax, available anywhere
2) Since the RAISE EXCEPTION happens at the caller's site, we can provide information not available to an ordinary function, such as the values of the parameters passed to it
  3) We can make the exception uncatchable
4) ASSERTs can be easily disabled (if we choose to allow that), even per-function

I am able to do without any change of language as plpgsql extension - there
is no necessary to do any change for too thin proposal

What *exactly* about my proposal is "too thin"? What does your thing do that mine doesn't? If you're saying your suggestion allows us to give a better error message, I disagree:

  ( ROW_COUNT ( = | <> ) ( 1 | 0 ) |

I've already addressed this: we can print the parameters and their values automatically, so printing the row count here doesn't give any additional value.

  ( QUERY some query should not be empty ) |

With this definition, absolutely zero value over ASSERT EXISTS(..);

  ( CHECK some expression should be true )

No additional value; it's either NULL, FALSE or TRUE and both syntaxes can display what the expression evaluated to.

  ( IS NOT NULL expression should not be null )

It's either NULL or it isn't.  No additional value.


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