(1) ISTM that the + 0.5 which remains in the PoissonRand computation comes
from the previous integer approach and is not needed here. If I'm not
mistaken the formula should be plain:

       -log(uniform) * center

No. The +0.5 is to round the result to the nearest integer, instead of truncating it down.

Hmmm... probably ok. I'll have to think about it a bit.

In that case, it seems much clearer to do: "round(-log(uniform) * xxx)" instead of relying on the truncation of the cast.

(2) I'm not sure of the name "center", I think that "lambda" or
      "mean" would be more appropriate.

(shrug), I guess. The comment says that it's the value the average of a series values is centered on, so "center" doesn't seem too bad. I guess the mathematically accurate term would be "expected value".

The word "center" does not appear once of the wikipedia page about "Poisson distribution". Its "mean" is called "lambda" (or rather λ:-) all over the place. I find "expected value" rather too generic, but it is better than "center".

(3) I wish that the maximum implied multiplier could be explicitely
      documented in the source code. From pg_rand48 source code, I think
      that it is 33.27106466687737

Oh, ok. That's an even smaller multiplier than I got just by feeding DBL_MIN to the formula. I don't think that's worth worrying about. That might change if the implementation of pg_erand48() is changed, so I'm a bit reluctant to state it explicitly.

I think that it is an important information, so it deserves to appear.

If pg_erand48 implementation changes, it should not be called "48", because the max value and the above multiplier limit is completely linked to the "16*3=48" structure of the random construction.

If the code change then the comments need be updated, that is life.

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