Heikki, Robert:

On 09/16/2014 11:12 AM, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
> Are you looking for someone with a real life scenario, or just synthetic
> test case? The latter is easy to do.
> See attached test program. It's basically the same I posted earlier.
> Here are the results from my laptop with Tom's jsonb-lengths-merged.patch:

Thanks for that!

> postgres=# select * from testtimes ;
>  elem | duration_ms
> ------+-------------
>  3674 |    0.530412
>  4041 |    0.552585
>  4445 |    0.581815

This looks like the level at which the difference gets to be really
noticeable.  Note that this is completely swamped by the difference
between compressed vs. uncompressed though.

> With unpatched git master, the runtime is flat, regardless of which
> element is queried, at about 0.29 s. With
> jsonb-with-offsets-and-lengths-2.patch, there's no difference that I
> could measure.

OK, thanks.

> The difference starts to be meaningful at around 500 entries. In
> practice, I doubt anyone's going to notice until you start talking about
> tens of thousands of entries.
> I'll leave it up to the jury to decide if we care or not. It seems like
> a fairly unusual use case, where you push around large enough arrays or
> objects to notice. Then again, I'm sure *someone* will do it. People do
> strange things, and they find ways to abuse the features that the
> original developers didn't think of.

Right, but the question is whether it's worth having a more complex code
and data structure in order to support what certainly *seems* to be a
fairly obscure use-case, that is more than 4000 keys at the same level.
 And it's not like it stops working or becomes completely unresponsive
at that level; it's just double the response time.

On 09/16/2014 12:20 PM, Robert Haas wrote:> Basically, I think that if
we make a decision to use Tom's patch
> rather than Heikki's patch, we're deciding that the initial decision,
> by the folks who wrote the original jsonb code, to make array access
> less than O(n) was misguided.  While that could be true, I'd prefer to
> bet that those folks knew what they were doing.  The only way reason
> we're even considering changing it is that the array of lengths
> doesn't compress well, and we've got an approach that fixes that
> problem while preserving the advantages of fast lookup.  We should
> have a darn fine reason to say no to that approach, and "it didn't
> benefit my particular use case" is not it.

Do you feel that way *as a code maintainer*?  That is, if you ended up
maintaining the JSONB code, would you still feel that it's worth the
extra complexity?  Because that will be the main cost here.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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