On 09/19/2014 08:52 AM, Andres Freund wrote:
>> Until someone decides to dike it out, I think we are obligated to make
>> > it produce something resembling correct output.
> I vote for ripping it out. There really isn't any justification for it
> and it broke more than once.

(a) I personally use it all the time to produce human-readable output,
sometimes also working via markdown.  It's easier to read than the
"standard format" or JSON, especially when combined with grep or other
selective filtering.  Note that this use would not at all preclude
having the YAML output look "wierd" as long as it was readable.

(b) If we're going to discuss ripping out YAML format, please let's do
that as a *separate* patch and discussion, and not as a side effect of
Grouping Sets.  Otherwise this will be one of those things where people
pitch a fit during beta because the people who care about YAML aren't
necessarily reading this thread.

On 09/19/2014 08:52 AM, Andrew Gierth wrote:> Oh, another YAML
alternative would be:
>     Grouping Sets:
>       - ["two","four"]
>       - ["two"]
>       - []
> Would that be better? (It's not consistent with other YAML outputs like
> sort/group keys, but it's equally legal as far as I can tell and seems
> more readable.)

That works for me.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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