On 09/29/2014 04:32 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net> writes:
On 09/29/2014 04:14 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
More to the point, the way to fix any concerns about double parsing is to
create row_to_jsonb(), not to plaster a bunch of options on row_to_json().
row_to_jsonb would be completely redundant with to_jsonb() in my recent
Right, which raises the question of whether we shouldn't just be
deprecating both array_to_json() and row_to_json()...

And I don't want to add options like this there for the same reasons I
didn't want them in row_to_json().
Agreed.  IMO the place to have put the "pretty" functionality was in some
sort of json-to-text conversion function; it never belonged in an input
conversion function.


Yes, if we had pretty printing functions we could deprecate and eventually remove row_to_json and array_to_json. That's probably worth putting on the TODO list.



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