On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net> wrote:
> The downside of the 'explain' approach is that the script then has to be
> modified to put 'explain' in front of everything and then you have to go
> through each statement and consider it.  Having a 'dry-run' transaction
> type which then produces a report at the end feels like it'd be both
> easier to assess the overall implications, and less error-prone as you
> don't have to prefex every statement with 'explain'.  It might even be
> possible to have the local "view" of post-alter statements be available
> inside of this 'dry-run' option- that is, if you add a column in the
> transaction then the column exists to the following commands, so it
> doesn't just error out.  Having 'explain <whatever>' wouldn't give you
> that and so you really wouldn't be able to have whole scripts run by
> just pre-pending each command with 'explain'.

It's kind of tricky to implement a patch to figure this out ahead of
time. Some of the actual lock acquisitions are well hidden, in terms
of how the code is structured. In others cases, it may not even be
possible to determine ahead of time exactly what locks will be taken.

As Harold mentioned, another idea along the same lines would be to
decorate DDL with a NOWAIT "no locking assertion" and/or "no rewrite
assertion".  Basically, if this DDL (or perhaps any DDL, if this is
implemented as a GUC instead) necessitates a table rewrite (and
requires an AccessExclusiveLock), throw an error. That's the case that
most people care about.

This may not even be good enough, though. Consider:

Session 1 is a long running transaction. Maybe it's a spurious
idle-in-transaction situation, but it could also be totally
reasonable. It holds an AccessShareLock on some relation, as long
running transactions are inclined to do.

Session 2 is our migration. It needs an AccessExclusiveLock to ALTER
TABLE on the same relation (or whatever). But it doesn't need a
rewrite, which is good. It comes along and attempts to acquire the
lock, blocking on session 1.

Session 3 is an innocent bystander. It goes to query the same table in
an ordinary, routine way - a SELECT statement. Even though session 2's
lock is not granted yet, session 3 is not at liberty to skip the queue
and get its own AccessShareLock. The effect is about the same as if
session 2 did need to hold an AccessExclusiveLock for ages: read
queries block for a long time. And yet, in theory session 2's impact
on production should not be minimal, if we consider something like
EXPLAIN output.

Why is NOWAIT only supported for SET TABLESPACE? I guess it's just a
particularly bad case. NOWAIT might be the wrong thing for DDL

Peter Geoghegan

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