On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 12:42 PM, Steven Lembark <lemb...@wrkhors.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 1 Sep 2014 15:19:41 +0200
> Joel Jacobson <j...@trustly.com> wrote:
>> The fatal problems with Python3 and Perl6 was the inability to mix
>> code between Python2/3 and Perl5/6.
>> We don't have that problem with pl-languages in postgres, so please
>> don't make that comparison, as it's incorrect.
> Actually Perl6 can include Perl5 code allows you to "use v5.6" or "use
> v6.0" to regulate how the code in any one block is compiled w/in the
> program. Even Perl 5 allows mixing blocks/modules with different version
> syntax w/in the same compiler.

I don't think that really helps very much at the end of the day; Perl
6 was a disaster for Perl.  Breaking compatibility of a language is a
good way to kill it off.  Compiler support is only one example of a
very broad set of problems it causes.  Hiding that compatibility
breaking under "language 2.0" doesn't solve anything either.


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