On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 11:12 AM, Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> 1. Take the specific docs that relate to the patch and put them in one
> place, so that everybody can read and understand and agree the
> behaviour of the patch. So that someone reading that can see *exactly*
> what is being proposed, not read through pages of other unchanged
> material hoping to catch the few points that really differ.

I'm afraid I don't follow. I have links to the user-visible
documentation (v1.3) on the Wiki:

The documentation is complete. I link to every interesting page from
the documentation directly from the Wiki, too. Of course, I also
describe the issues in more detail for those with an interest in the
implementation on the Wiki page itself (and list open issues). I have
isolation tests that illustrate the new facets of visibility for READ

How, specifically, have I failed to do what you ask here? If you want
to see exactly what has changed, in a differential fashion, well,
that's what a diff is for. I'm not aware of any existing way of
rendering to html for readability, while highlighting what is new.

Peter Geoghegan

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