Hello Katie,

Thursday, November 7, 2002, 7:08:20 PM, you wrote:

KW> Hi, all.

KW> I just wanted to give you an update on where my company (PeerDirect) is with
KW> regards to our native Windows port.

KW> We are planning on contributing the code for the native port sometime next
KW> month (in December).  We would have liked to contribute it earlier, but our
KW> work schedules here didn't allow it.

KW> The state of the port is that it passes all postgres regression tests.  It's
KW> been in BETA since early August with about 27 beta customers.  The beta
KW> customers came from a post made to the cygwin mailing list
KW> (http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-cygwin/2002-08/msg00012.php).  The
KW> BETA has proven successful and several problems were found and fixed.

KW> At this point you are welcome to run the latest version of this BETA.  There
KW> is no installer, but there is a setenv.bat script to help setup the
KW> environment.  The beta can be downloaded at:

KW> This version has its own catalog version which is slightly different than
KW> 7.2.1, so you'll need to do a pg_dump and pg_restore.  If you find any
KW> issues, please don't mail me directly.  Instead, please send emails to
KW> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Several people monitor this address and the
KW> issue will get resolved more quickly.

KW> There is still some cleanup work to do, such as migrating from 7.2.1 to 7.4,
KW> but my company is committed to contributing this port to the community by
KW> the end of the year.
I have tried this version and it seems to work well on preliminary
tests. Bruce, this probably is a good start for the port and I wonder
if it worths having all that patching trouble you mentioned, specially
when they offered to do it... I think you probably have a lot of work
to do on other areas too...

To Katie: does it compile with Mingw too ?

Best regards,
 Steve Howe                           mailto:howe@;carcass.dhs.org

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