On 12/8/14, 12:26 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:
4. Creation Locking Problem
high probability of lock pile-ups whenever a new partition is created on
demand due to multiple backends trying to create the partition at the
same time.
Not Addressed?

Do users actually try and create new partitions during DML? That sounds doomed 
to failure in pretty much any system...

6. Unique Index Problem
Cannot create a unique index across multiple partitions, which prevents
the partitioned table from being FK'd.
Not Addressed
(but could be addressed in the future)

And would be extremely useful even with simple inheritance, let alone 

9. Hibernate Problem
When using the trigger method, inserts into the master partition return
0, which Hibernate and some other ORMs regard as an insert failure.

It would be really nice to address this with regular inheritance too...

11. Hash Partitioning
Some users would prefer to partition into a fixed number of
hash-allocated partitions.
Not Addressed.

Though, you should be able to do that in either system if you bother to define 
your own hash in a BEFORE trigger...

A. COPY/ETL then attach
In inheritance partitioning, you can easily build a partition outside
the master and then "attach" it, allowing for minimal disturbance of
concurrent users.  Could be addressed in the future.

How much of the desire for this is because our current "row routing" solutions 
are very slow? I suspect that's the biggest reason, and hopefully Alvaro's proposal 
mostly eliminates it.

B. Catchall Partition
Many partitioning schemes currently contain a "catchall" partition which
accepts rows outside of the range of the partitioning scheme, due to bad
input data.  Probably not handled on purpose; Alvaro is proposing that
we reject these instead, or create the partitions on demand, which is a
legitimate approach.

C. Asymmetric Partitioning / NULLs in partition column
This is the classic Active/Inactive By Month setup for partitions.
Could be addressed via special handling for NULL/infinity in the
partitioned column.

If we allowed for a "catchall partition" and supported normal inheritance/triggers on 
that partition then users could continue to do whatever they needed with data that didn't fit the 
"normal" partitioning pattern.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble Consulting
Data in Trouble? Get it in Treble! http://BlueTreble.com

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