On 12/11/2014 08:59 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
> More abstractly, there's a lot of value in having a predictable release
> schedule.  That's going to mean that some release cycles are thin on
> user-visible features, even if just as much work went into them.  It's
> the nature of the game.

+ 1,000,000 from me.  ;-)

Frankly, BRIN, UPSERT and a couple other things are plenty for a
Postgres release.  Other SQL databases would be thrilled to have that
much ... can you name 3 major advances in the last MySQL release?

And given that I've seen nothing about jquery/VODKA since pgCon, I'm
expecting them for 9.6/whatever, not 9.5.  There's a whole longish
syntax discussion we haven't even started yet, let alone actual
technical review.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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