I've gotten really tired of explaining to newbies why stuff involving
char(n) fields doesn't work like they expect.  Our current behavior is
not valid per SQL92 anyway, I believe.

I think there is a pretty simple solution now that we have pg_cast:
we could stop treating char(n) as binary-equivalent to varchar/text,
and instead define it as requiring a runtime conversion (which would
be essentially the rtrim() function).  The cast in the other direction
would be assignment-only, so that any expression that involves mixed
char(n) and varchar/text operations would be evaluated in varchar
rules after stripping char's insignificant trailing blanks.

If we did this, then operations like
                WHERE UPPER(charcolumn) = 'FOO'
would work as a newbie expects.  I believe that we'd come a lot closer
to spec compliance on the behavior of char(n), too.


                        regards, tom lane

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TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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