Re: Peter Eisentraut 2014-11-03 <>
> On 11/2/14 2:00 PM, Noah Misch wrote:
> >> Ick; I concur with your judgment on those aspects of the IPC::Cmd design.
> >> Thanks for investigating.  So, surviving options include:
> >>
> >> 1. Require IPC::Run.
> >> 2. Write our own run() that reports the raw exit code.
> >> 3. Distill the raw exit code from the IPC::Cmd::run() error string.
> >> 4. Pass IPC::Run::run_forked() a subroutine that execs an argument list.
> > 
> > FWIW, (3) looks most promising to me.  That is to say, implement a reverse 
> > of
> > IPC::Cmd::_pp_child_error().  Ugly to be sure, but the wart can be small and
> > self-contained.
> I thank you for this research, but I suggest that we ship 9.4 as is,
> that is with requiring IPC::Run and --enable-* option.  All the possible
> alternatives will clearly need more rounds of portability testing.  We
> can then evaluate these changes for 9.5 in peace.

Hrm. I spent some effort into getting the TAP tests to run on 9.4beta
for Debian, and I've only now learned that 9.4.0 doesn't run them
unless I say --enable-tap-tests. A short note to -packagers would have
been nice, for a change so late in the release cycle...

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