On 12/23/2014 06:06 PM, Bruce Momjian wrote:
On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 11:34:09AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
Stephen Frost <sfr...@snowman.net> writes:
If that's the only consideration for this, well, that's certainly quite
straight-forward to change in the other direction too.  The new function
suggested by Andres actually makes it really easy to get a textual list
of all the role attributes which a role has from the bitmask too.
We could have that regardless of the representation, if the function is
defined along the lines of "given a user OID, give me a text string
representing the user's attributes".  However, that only helps for
pg_dumpall and any other clients whose requirement is exactly satisfied
by a string that fits into CREATE/ALTER USER.  The current formatting
of psql's \du, for example, absolutely requires adding more client-side
code every time we add a property; whether the catalog representation is
bools or a bitmask really isn't going to change the pain level much there.
I am with Tom on this --- there is more wasted space in the 'name'
column pg_authid.rolname than by shoving 40 boolean values into a
bitmap.  Adding the complexity of a bitmap doesn't make sense here.
Well, the code simplification alone might be worth the effort... and it does make adding additional attributes easier.

I also apologize for the late feedback.

Offtopic, what I would really _love_ to see improved is our display of
object permissions:

                                         Access privileges
         Schema |  Name  | Type  |     Access privileges     | Column 
privileges | Policies
         public | crypto | table | postgres=arwdDxt/postgres+|                  
                |        |       | =r/postgres               |                  

That is nasty user display ---  it looks like line noise.

Hmm... http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/sql-grant.html does describe the mapping from letters to permissions, but I agree that it could be easier for beginners. Any idea on how this display can be made more "human friendly"? (just for the sake of discussion --- I don't think I have time to do much about that, unfortunately)


    / J.L.

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